International Philanthropy

Solidarity with women beyond Switzerland

Depending on where they live in the world, women’s condition can be precarious. We have therefore decided to create a philanthropic project within the framework of the Career Women’s Forum’s 40th anniversary celebrations that goes beyond Switzerland. Thanks to our network, we will support “Maher”, an association founded in India in 1997, devoted to helping women and children in difficult situations. 

By creating awareness of Maher’s impact, we aim to collect funding that will provide underprivileged and poor women and young girls from backward rural villages and tribes in Pune and Jharkhand, with training programs to help them become financially independent and self-reliant.

Make a donation

The Association

Maher is an Indian association devoted to helping women and children in difficult situations. “Maher” (in the Marathi language) means “Mother’s Home”: a haven of hope, belonging and understanding. Their aim is to develop and deliver services to address the root causes of violence and despair experienced by women and children in India. By doing so, Maher also tackles their effects in villages and slums, so women and children are healthy, happy and self-reliant.

CWF’s chosen solidarity project

Support for Livelihood Training for the Highly Disadvantaged Women in Pune and Jharkhand

We hope to contribute to the costs of livelihood training programs for the poor women and girls in the rural villages and tribes around Maher centers in Pune and Jharkhand.

Listen directly from Lucy Kurien, Maher founder and director, about Maher and the Livelihood project.

Read the interview of Sister Lucy Kurien in 40 years – 40 women
Theme: Solidarity

“I am too small a person to give a message, yet but my gut feeling is that Solidarity is the keyword for a time like the one we live in”.

See more about the project

History and numbers

Maher was funded in 1997 by Lucy Kurien , growing significantly over the years. The association in numbers:

  • 49 hosting homes
  • 1000 children
  • 400 women
  • 100 elderly Men
  • 250 Social Workers

WHY Maher?

J’ai eu l’opportunité de passer à 2 reprises deux semaines dans quelques-uns des centres Maher en Inde en 2017 et 2019. J’en suis revenue avec une confiance accrue dans la vie. Beaucoup de gens rentrent de l’Inde écrasés par la pauvreté et les conditions de vies qu’ils y ont rencontré. Il est vrai que l’indigence et le besoin sont omniprésents, mais Maher représente un havre d’espoir concret, aux résultats tangibles, qui donne envie de s’engager et soutenir activement leurs efforts. 3 choses me font choisir Maher pour mon engagement :
  • D’après ce que j’ai pu constater, les fonds sont gérés de façon très sérieuse et transparente
  • Un des principes de base de Maher est la tolérance pour l’autre: peu importe l’ethnie ou la religion d’origine
  • Aide et formation aux femmes, pour qu’elles puissent apprendre à se faire respecter et à être indépendantes financièrement.
Monica Marinucci, Membre du Comité du 40ème anniversaire du CWF
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