Skill building

Let’s celebrate la rentrée with the CWF!

Build your confidence!

Be bold! Be confident! Take risks!

Have you ever felt limited because you were too shy to step out of your comfort zone? Do you want to learn how to strengthen your resilience, spontaneity, and creativity? Well, do not worry… The Career Women’s Forum (CWF) is thrilled to bring you a soft skills workshop on learning how to build your confidence!

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From IMF to the accounts of Nations – the extraordinary life of an Economist

What motivated a talented, young economist to leave a career full of promise at the IMF? How did her work in over 30 countries and her unique experience in Palestine during the Second Intifada affect her life?

Speaking at our June lunch, Anna Lennblad will share her professional journey starting at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to a career as an independent consultant in economic statistics and modelling. She will talk about the challenges she faced at varying stages of her career in contrasting work environments and her experience as a young woman in Ramallah. She will share how these shaped her life, her behavior and future career moves.

Join us for our closing season lunch conference and meet Anna Lennblad.

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Board of Directors – Gender Quotas: A Nice Bad Idea, or the Future of Governance?

Witness and partake in the second edition of the “Women on Boards” Panel discussion.

This year’s Panel will cover the much heated debate on the participation of women in corporate and public boards.

Why does gender equality and diversity matter for corporate boards? Are you for or against gender quotas?

Join us in this pivotal discussion – at a time when the Swiss Parliament and many professional and social organizations are defining Swiss policy now, and for the future.


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Peter Singer: Ethics, Technology and the Future of Humanity

First Public Lecture on Ethics and Technology in the United Nations system Languages: English/French (simultaneous interpretation) ATTENDANCE IS FREE OF CHARGE, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED Eminent Professor Peter Singer (Princeton, Melbourne, universities in Europe & USA); recipient of prestigious distinctions and awards, ranked by Time Magazine, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age as one of […]

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Abir Oreibi, CEO of LIFT : a woman with many hats !

Many hats, just one woman – Abir OREIBI is an entrepreneur, investor, founder and board member. Her ambition : to understand the impact and potentiel of technology on businesses and society. This led her career path in various sectors in Europe and Asia, even contributing to build the Chinese E-commerce Group Alibaba, one of the most successful internet companies.

She is like a concentrate of globalisation on her own : A Swiss citizen, from Libyan origin, with over 10 years experience woking in Asia!

How does she succeed in all these different domains? 

What did she learn from all these experiences?

Come to this CWF lunch conference to listen to Abir’s tips and tricks! She will share her experience as business visionary and mother/ step-mother of 5!

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Meet-up Jobsharing Genève

Etes-vous intéressé-e par le partage d’emploi ? Cherchez-vous un-e partenaire professionnel-le ? Souhaitez-vous savoir comment rencontrer un-e partenaire et comment postuler à deux ?

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Body Language… How to perform at your best

Market pressures and economic tensions driving corporate reorganisations make our teams bigger and our workload higher. They also make it difficult for everyone to connect as effectively as before. Body language reveals itself more pressingly in these situations, and conveys messages about stress, self-confidence and our ability to lead in ways most of us do not suspect. Female leaders have an opportunity to grow self-awareness about their non-verbal com’, how it affects their self-perception and that of others, and press a virtual “reset” button to start building, projecting and living increased self-confidence. Come & learn how body language can have an impact to increase one’s confidence and improve interpersonal relationships!

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“La HES-SO : une success story qui a 20 ans” racontée par Luciana Vaccaro, rectrice

Venez écouter Luciana Vaccaro, rectrice de la Haute Ecole Spécialée de la Suisse Occidentale, nous raconter l’évolution de cette institution universitaire spécifique à la Suisse permettant aux étudiants une rapide entrée sur le marché du travail grâce à une formation pratique et théorique.

Comment faire évoluer les formations pour qu’elles soient utiles aux métiers de demain avec l’évolution du numérique ? Comment avoir davantage d’étudiantes dans les filières scientifiques et techniques ?

Au-delà des défis posés à la HES-SO, Luciana Vaccaro nous éclairera également sur son propre parcours. Physicienne de formation,  mariée et mère de 2 enfants, Luciana Vaccaro n’a jamais perçu de difficulté à concilier vie professionnelle et vie privée. Engagée en faveur de la promotion professionnelle des femmes, elle n’hésite pas à donner des trucs et astuces à ses étudiantes souhaitant faire carrière.

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Deviens celle que tu es – Silvia Gollini Daum

Historiquement et culturellement femmes et hommes sont enfermés dans des stéréotypes qui peuvent se résumer en femme=  « take care », homme = « take charge ». Ces stéréotypes risquent d’orienter et conditionner fortement les comportements : donc pour les femmes l’empathie, l’écoute etc. et pour les hommes la prise de risque, la détermination etc. Mais sommes-nous des individus et des leaders à part entière quand nous sommes contraintes dans ces regards ?

Voici un atelier réservé à vous, Mesdames et leaders, pour aller encore plus loin. Venez découvrir et expérimenter un leadership authentique et entier, au-delà de tout stéréotype, pour commencer à déployer pleinement votre propre puissance dans votre environnement professionnel et personnel.

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Situation de crise : les enjeux de la communication du Conseil d’Administration

On peut tous être amené à devoir gérer une situation de crise, dans n’importe quelle entreprise, petite ou grande. Savoir comment communiquer à cette occasion peut être utile à chacun et chacune.

Comment mieux communiquer en cas de crise ? Comment s’y préparer ? Comment réagir ? Comment contrôler sa communication ?

Forte d’une grande expérience dans ce domaine, Anne Bobillier présentera des  exemples concrets. Les participants pourront ainsi en retirer des conseils à adopter et adapter.


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