Afterwork Mentoring
Hotel N'vy Geneva Rue de Richemont 18, Genève, Genève, SwitzerlandThis event is open ONLY to participants in the CWF mentoring program
This event is open ONLY to participants in the CWF mentoring program
We are delighted to launch the third session of our new members' only program to help you thrive, wherever you are in your career path: the MASTERMIND GROUPS.
This event is open to the members involved in the Mastermind program 2023-2023 and to the Corporate Ambassadors
Comme les années passées, nous vous proposons de reprendre nos activités avec une croisière sur un bateau belle époque de la CGN.
Venez découvrir l'univers fascinant de Marie Robert, cheffe de cuisine étoilée et pionnière dans le monde de la gastronomie suisse
During this deeply inspirational and engaging workshop, you will understand why storytelling is critical to success in business and life
This workshop is open ONLY to the members who registered for the mastermind program
Fall in Laugh est une thérapie par le rire qui combine des exercices de rire, de respiration yogique, de méditation et de comédie pour libérer les tensions et le stress de la vie quotidienne.
The October luncheon will feature Sue Putallaz, CEO of MobyFly and a technological pioneer at the World Economic Forum (WEF).
This event is open ONLY to participants in the CWF mentoring and mastermind programs